Sophia's Lover
philos (φίλος) sophia (σοφία).
sábado, 15 de junho de 2019
terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012
terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012
Mily...una noches!!!...Las Mil y Una Noches (en árabe, ألف ليلة وليلة Alf layla wa-layla —lit. Mil noches y una noche—; en persa, هزار و یک شب, Hazār-o yak shab)...Allô allô, Tunis!
Recollections of the Arabian Nights
When the breeze of a joyful dawn blew free
In the silken sail of infancy,
The tide of time flow'd back with me,
The forward-flowing tide of time;
And many a sheeny summer-morn,
Adown the Tigris I was borne,
By Bagdat's shrines of fretted gold,
High-walled gardens green and old;
True Mussulman was I and sworn,
For it was in the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Anight my shallop, rustling thro'
The low and bloomed foliage, drove
The fragrant, glistening deeps, and clove
The citron-shadows in the blue:
By garden porches on the brim,
The costly doors flung open wide,
Gold glittering thro' lamplight dim,
And broider'd sofas on each side:
In sooth it was a goodly time,
For it was in the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Often, where clear-stemm'd platans guard
The outlet, did I turn away
The boat-head down a broad canal
From the main river sluiced, where all
The sloping of the moon-lit sward
Was damask-work, and deep inlay
Of braided blooms unmown, which crept
Adown to where the water slept.
A goodly place, a goodly time,
For it was in the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
A motion from the river won
Ridged the smooth level, bearing on
My shallop thro' the star-strown calm,
Until another night in night
I enter'd, from the clearer light,
Imbower'd vaults of pillar'd palm,
Imprisoning sweets, which, as they clomb
Heavenward, were stay'd beneath the dome
Of hollow boughs.—A goodly time,
For it was in the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Still onward; and the clear canal
Is rounded to as clear a lake.
From the green rivage many a fall
Of diamond rillets musical,
Thro' little crystal arches low
Down from the central fountain's flow
Fall'n silver-chiming, seem'd to shake
The sparkling flints beneath the prow.
A goodly place, a goodly time,
For it was in the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Above thro' many a bowery turn
A walk with vary-colour'd shells
Wander'd engrain'd. On either side
All round about the fragrant marge
From fluted vase, and brazen urn
In order, eastern flowers large,
Some dropping low their crimson bells
Half-closed, and others studded wide
With disks and tiars, fed the time
With odour in the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Far off, and where the lemon-grove
In closest coverture upsprung,
The living airs of middle night
Died round the bulbul as he sung;
Not he: but something which possess'd
The darkness of the world, delight,
Life, anguish, death, immortal love,
Ceasing not, mingled, unrepress'd,
Apart from place, withholding time,
But flattering the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Black the garden-bowers and grots
Slumber'd: the solemn palms were ranged
Above, unwoo'd of summer wind:
A sudden splendour from behind
Flush'd all the leaves with rich gold-green,
And, flowing rapidly between
Their interspaces, counterchanged
The level lake with diamond-plots
Of dark and bright. A lovely time,
For it was in the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Dark-blue the deep sphere overhead,
Distinct with vivid stars inlaid,
Grew darker from that under-flame:
So, leaping lightly from the boat,
With silver anchor left afloat,
In marvel whence that glory came
Upon me, as in sleep I sank
In cool soft turf upon the bank,
Entranced with that place and time,
So worthy of the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Thence thro' the garden I was drawn—
A realm of pleasance, many a mound,
And many a shadow-chequer'd lawn
Full of the city's stilly sound,
And deep myrrh-thickets blowing round
The stately cedar, tamarisks,
Thick rosaries of scented thorn,
Tall orient shrubs, and obelisks
Graven with emblems of the time,
In honour of the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
With dazed vision unawares
From the long alley's latticed shade
Emerged, I came upon the great
Pavilion of the Caliphat.
Right to the carven cedarn doors,
Flung inward over spangled floors,
Broad-based flights of marble stairs
Ran up with golden balustrade,
After the fashion of the time,
And humour of the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
The fourscore windows all alight
As with the quintessence of flame,
A million tapers flaring bright
From twisted silvers look'd to shame
The hollow-vaulted dark, and stream'd
Upon the mooned domes aloof
In inmost Bagdat, till there seem'd
Hundreds of crescents on the roof
Of night new-risen, that marvellous time,
To celebrate the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Then stole I up, and trancedly
Gazed on the Persian girl alone,
Serene with argent-lidded eyes
Amorous, and lashes like to rays
Of darkness, and a brow of pearl
Tressed with redolent ebony,
In many a dark delicious curl,
Flowing beneath her rose-hued zone;
The sweetest lady of the time,
Well worthy of the golden prime
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Six columns, three on either side,
Pure silver, underpropt a rich
Throne of the massive ore, from which
Down-droop'd, in many a floating fold,
Engarlanded and diaper'd
With inwrought flowers, a cloth of gold.
Thereon, his deep eye laughter-stirr'd
With merriment of kingly pride,
Sole star of all that place and time,
I saw him—in his golden prime,
Asie 1. Asia CLICK to Listen on YouTube
Asie, Asie. Asie! Vieux pays merveilleux des contes de nourrice Où dort la fantaisie comme une impératrice En sa forêt emplie de mystère. Asie, je voudrais m'en aller avec la goélette Qui se berce ce soir dans le port, Mystérieuse et solitaire, Et qui déploie enfin ses voiles violettes Comme un immense oiseau de nuit dans le ciel d'or. Je voudrais m'en aller vers des îles de fleurs En écoutant chanter la mer perverse Sur un vieux rythme ensorceleur. Je voudrais voir Damas et les villes de Perse Avec les minarets légers dans l'air. Je voudrais voir de beaux turbans de soie Sur des visages noirs aux dents claires; Je voudrais voir des yeux sombres d'amour Et des prunelles brillantes de joie En des peaux jaunes comme des oranges; Je voudrais voir des vêtements de velours Et des habits à longues franges. Je voudrais voir des calumets entre des bouches Tout entourées de barbe blanche; Je voudrais voir d'âpres marchands aux regards louches, Et des cadis, et des vizirs Qui du seul mouvement de leur doigt qui se penche Accordent vie ou mort au gré de leur désir. Je voudrais voir la Perse, et l'Inde, et puis la Chine, Les mandarins ventrus sous les ombrelles, Et les princesses aux mains fines, Et les lettrés qui se querrellent Sur la poésie et sur la beauté; Je voudrais m'attarder au palais enchanté Et comme un voyageur étranger Contemple à loisir des paysages peints Sur des étoffes en des cadres de sapin Avec un personnage au milieu d'un verger; Je voudrais voir des assassins souriant Du bourreau qui coupe un cou d'innocent Avec son grand sabre courbé d'Orient. Je voudrais voir des pauvres et des reines; Je voudrais voir des roses et du sang; Je voudrais voir mourir d'amour ou bien de haine. Et puis m'en revenir plus tard Narrer mon aventure aux curieux de rêves En élevant comme Sinbad ma vieille tasse arabe De temps en temps jusqu'à mes lèvres Pour interrompre le conte avec art ... | Asia, Asia, Asia! Olden and wondrous land of tales dreamt by nursemaids, Where sleeping fantasy lies like an empress fair In her forest o'erflowing with mystery. Asia ... I should like to set out aboard the sea-bound schooner Which is rocking this evening in port, Mysterious and solitary; And which at last unfurls its flutt'ring sails of purple Like an immense night bird aloft in the gold'n sky. I should like to sail off towards islands of flow'rs While list'ning to the perverse sea singing In its old and bewitching rhythm. I'd like to see Damascus, and cities of Persia Where light minarets pierce through the air.* I'd like to see those fine turbans of silk Over black faces with white teeth gleaming; I should wish to see eyes shaded with love From which pupils shine brilliantly with joy Against complexions as tawny as oranges; I should like to see fine vestments made of velvet And flowing robes with long, long fringes. I'd like to see earthenware pipes stuck into pursed mouths Wholly surrounded by white whiskers; I'd like to see rough-edged merchants cast dirty glances, And the qadis and the viziers, Who with just the mere movement of their crooked finger Can dispense life or death at their desire's whim. I'd see Persia, and India, then also China: Plump mandarins sitting under umbrellas, And princesses with hands most lithe, And wise scholars who yet are quarr'ling Over poetry and over beauty; I should like to pause in an enchanted palace And, like any foreign traveller, Contemplate at leisure those paintings of landscapes, On finest fabrics in frames crafted out of fir, Picturing someone in the middle of a grove; I'd like to see cruel assassins smile as An executioner lops a guiltless head With his big Oriental scimitar. I'd like to see base paupers and grand queens, too; I'd like to see red roses and red blood; I'd like to see death caused by love, or else by hatred. And later then I'll return home To share my adventure with curious young dreamers; And I will raise--just like Sinbad--my old Arabian goblet Up to my lips every now and then, Interrupting the tale for artful effect ... * For a literal translation use: "With light minarets in the air." |
2. La flûte enchantée 2. The Enchanted Flute
CLICK to listen: on YouTube
L'ombre est douce et mon maître dort, Coiffé d'un bonnet conique de soie Et son long nez jaune en sa barbe blanche. Mais moi, je suis éveillée encore Et j'écoute au dehors Une chanson de flûte où s'épanche Tour à tour la tristesse ou la joie. Un air tour à tour langoureux ou frivole, Que mon amoureux chéri joue. Et quand je m'approche de la croisée Il me semble que chaque note s'envole De la flûte vers ma joue Comme un mystérieux baiser. | Darkness soothes and my master sleeps, Coiffed in a cone-shaped night-bonnet of silk, With his long nose yellow on his white whiskers. But I, I'm wakened and roused again, And I hear from outdoors The lone song of a flute o'erflowing At first with sorrow but then with such joy! An air turning from languishing to frivolous, Which my own dearest lover plays. And as I move closer to the window, To me it's as though each note has come winging From his flute onto my cheek Like a mysterious caress. |
3. L'indifférent 3. The Indifferent One
CLICK to Listen on YouTube
Tes yeux sont doux comme ceux d'une fille, Jeune étranger, Et la courbe fine De ton beau visage de duvet ombragé Est plus séduisante encore de ligne. Ta lèvre chante sur le pas de ma porte Une langue inconnue et charmante Comme une musique fausse ... Entre! Et que mon vin te réconforte ... Mais non, tu passes Et de mon seuil je te vois t'éloigner Me faisant un dernier geste avec grâce Et la hanche légèrement ployée Par ta démarche féminine et lasse ... | Your eyes are soft like those of any maiden, My young stranger, And the delicate curve Of your fine features, shadowed with a silk down, Forms an even more seductive outline. Your lips form a song at the foot of my doorstep In a tongue incoherent yet charming, Rather like music tuned falsely ... Enter! And let my wine give you refreshment ... But no ... you pass on, And from my threshold I watch you depart As you make a last graceful gesture for me, With a curved hip casually swaying From your saunter that's both girlish and languid ... |
quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2012
Love is the Master.
Abvum D'bashmaia
Abvum D'bashmaia
Netcádash shimóch
Teté malcutách una
Nehué tcevianách aicana d'bashimáia af b'arha
Hóvlan lácma d'suncanán iaomána
Uashbocan háubein uahtehín aicána dáf quinan shbuocán l'haiabéin
Uéla tahlan l'nesiúna, éla patssan min bixa
Metúl diláhie malcutá uaháila uateshbúcta láhlám,
Yeshua, ( c.06 a.c. - c.30 d.c. ), Belém, Judéia.
Abvum D'bashmaia
Netcádash shimóch
Teté malcutách una
Nehué tcevianách aicana d'bashimáia af b'arha
Hóvlan lácma d'suncanán iaomána
Uashbocan háubein uahtehín aicána dáf quinan shbuocán l'haiabéin
Uéla tahlan l'nesiúna, éla patssan min bixa
Metúl diláhie malcutá uaháila uateshbúcta láhlám,
Yeshua, ( c.06 a.c. - c.30 d.c. ), Belém, Judéia.
quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011
Cin' amorando.
Close To You – A Korean Love Poem
가까이 다가가고 싶었지만 가까이 다가갈 수 없었습니다.
내가 가까이 다가가면 다가가는 만큼
그대가 멀어질 것 같아서..
가까이 다가가면..
내가 다가가면...
그대는 영영 떠나갈 것 같아서
가까이 다가갈 수 없었습니다.
그대가 떠나간 뒤, 그 상처와 그리움
감당할 수 없을 것 같아서
가까이 다가가고 싶었지만
더이상 가까이 다가갈 수 없었습니다.
한 순간 가까웁다 영영 그대를 떠나게 하는 것보다
거리는 조금 떨어져 있지만 오래도록 그대를
바라보고 싶는 마음이 더 앞섰기에...
Although I wanted to come closer,
I couldn’t possibly go closer
because the more I come closer,
I felt that the more you will drift away from me
If I come closer..
If I really do,
I feel that you will leave me forever
that’s why I couldn’t come closer
If you’d leave me, I‘d be left with those pain and loneliness...
I didn’t think I would be able to handle it
So although I wanted to come closer,
I didn’t dare to come closer
I long to have one moment close to you
but you would leave me forever.
So I kept the distance between us,
as I wanted to be at a place where I will always be able to see you.
내 눈엔...
너 만 보인다는말...
난...거짓말이라고 생각해...
내눈엔 많은 사람들이 보여..
그 치만..그 많은 사람들 중에서
" 너만을 찾게돼..."
In my eyes...
The saying that you're the only one I see...
That, I believe, is a lie...
In my eyes, I see many people...
But, amidst this group of people,
I only search for you.
세상에 완벽한 남자와
완벽한 여자는없다.
모자라는 남자와
모자라는 여자가 만들어가는
완벽한 사랑만이 있을뿐이다.
There's no such thing as the perfect guy.
And there's no such thing as the perfect girl.
But only a less than perfect guy
And a less than perfect girl can make
a perfect love.
quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011
LULU. ( chat noir avec. )
Scrubbie's Sonnet
Her liquid gaze could melt the coldest heart,
Her perfect face framed ‘round by ebony;Since early on her dancing was an art –
Lithe hands and limbs in quaking ecstasy.
Not one to walk on eggshells, biting wit
And knife-blade tongue would often trouble make;
But unrelenting, in the face of it
She’d stand, too proud to let it see her break.
From featured player to forgotten star,
To author/critic, razor-edged and quick:
A sharpened, honey-coated scimitar,
A heady blend of sex and arsenic.
With such a life – complex beyond compare –
How strange her strongest legacy’s her hair.
sábado, 18 de junho de 2011
S O P H I A: Goddess of Wisdom § God' s Wife...Fátima! you!
Prayrs to the Holy Sophia Top
Sophia! You of the whirling wings, circling, encompassing energy of God: you quicken the world in your clasp. One wing soars in heaven, one wing sweeps the earth, and the third flies all around us. Praise to Sophia! Let all the earth praise her! -Hildegard of Bingen | ![]() "Sophia" Copyright Hrana Janto Used by permission of the artist. Notice her wings, her "pregnant" belly |
The Creed of the Holy Spirit
(by Unknown author. Please email if you know who wrote this!)
I believe in the Blessed Sophia.
I believe that she is Our Heavenly Father's Beloved Daughter.
I believe our souls dwelled with them in the Beginning, in harmony and love.
I believe that Sophia is the Divine Daughter.
That She lives in all women, and her strength and grace inspires all;
And she has sinned, learnt and is now strong and free.
I believe that Sophia is the Great Mother.
She is the Eema, the image of the hight of our strength;
And she has tutored me along Her Holy Path.
I believe that Sophia is the Holy Soul.
The Pneuma, the inner Crone of death and understanding within me;
And that She will bring completion in my waning days.
I believe that Sophia is the Spirit of God.
She is the Celestial Mother, and unites the Father and Child;
And She has given us knowledge of Their nurturing ways.
I believe in the Aeons, the Spirits, the gods of the Unknown God.
They are ruled by Sophia, they are Her children;
They all come from the Mother and to Her they shall return.
I believe in Reincarnation.
Her soul allows us to cycle throughout the prinsonhosue of matter;
Until we achieve the Liberation of the Light of Her Unknown Source.
I live in duty to restore honour to The Holy Spirit.
In prayer and reverence of all Her rituals;
From the masks of saints and goddesses, to restore honour to the True Queen.

Hail Sophia, filled with Light, the Christ is with thee. Blessed art thou among the Aeons and blessed is the liberator of thy Light, Jesus. Holy Sophia, Mother of all Gods, pray to the Light for us thy children, now and in the hour of our death, Amen.
Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Most loving Father of the poor, send your light down from Heaven, your Gift of most splendid gifts, the Light that penetrates all, the Fountain of deep consolation. Come, O Divine Sophia.
Come, Sweet Host of the soul. Give everyone rest from their efforts, respite from their hard labor, be their gentle breeze in moments of fire, the joy that dries up their tears and comforts their sorrows.
Enter the deepest depth of their soul, Oh Divine Sophia, and enrich it. Look at the emptiness within when you are not presence. Look at the power of sin when you do not breathe within them. Water the dry earth of their soul, heal their wounded heart, wash them clean of all dirt, place the warmth of life back within their cold hearts, conquer their uncontrollable spirit, guide them when the way is confusing.
Pour out on your servants your seven gifts according to their faith. In your goodness and blessings give them the strength they need, save all who are looking for salvation, and bless us all with your eternal joy.
Prayer to Sophia Top
Savior of the World, Sunny Lady,
Patroness of Powers, Sophia - Wisdom of God,
Invincible Almighty's Hand, Bless the World by the sign of Cross,
incinerate the Hearths of the world fundamentalism,
and erect the City of Saints by the Intercession of the Fiery Hierarchy
of the triumphant Church and crowd of angelic ranks,
save My Land and all the World!

Faith, Hope and Charity, Daughters of Sophia
O holy and most praiseworthy ones, Faith, Hope and Charity, and wise mother Sophia of these glorious daughters: to you do we now hasten in heartfelt prayer, for what better representation can we have than faith, hope and charity, the three cornerstone virtues, which, bearing their names, ye embodied in fact. We entreat you to shield us, save us and keep us in every sorrow and trouble, because you are good and loveth humankind. We pray that your Mother Sophia's glory, like a sun that never setteth, be with us in our humble prayers; may the Godhead forgive our sins (mistakes) and iniquities (transgressions), and have mercy on us who are forgetful of our Being-ness. Pray indeed for us, ye holy daughters, also unto our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of Man, and the Holy Bride Magdalene, to whom we practice to be present with, together with his Father and Mother, the All-holy, and Good, and Life-creating Sophia, who are from the Everlasting. We join our energy and our consciousness to the Everlasting the combined Godhead, merging with their presence now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen in the Now.
Pictured Left: Faith, Hope & Charity charm very popular charm in the Victorian era and today.
Prayer to Sophia Top
Great Light,
Hidden within this darkness,
Unlimited Fire,
Brilliant Emanation,
Sapientia Dei,
Beauty and wonder
that fills me like water to a sponge,
Holy Spirit,
Rising Dawn,
Lily of the Valleys,
Tree of Life,

You Are Beautiful!
Hail, Lady of Light
Hail, Lady of Light,
Mystical Lover of my spirit.
Blessed are you, Woman of Wisdom,
and blessed are the gifts you bestow on us your children.
Holy Sophia, goddess who leads to the One God,
fill me with your emptiness,
and darken my spirit with your light,
Salve Regina (Sophia)
Hail, Queen of Heaven,
Mother most merciful,
our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
You lead us on this pilgrim journey,
and to you we cry when we seem mired,
in the pain of exile from our true home.
And, gentle Mother Sophia, you soothe our tears.
Turn then, most gracious Advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us,
and bring us into the unity of the Pleroma,
with your heavenly consort, our Lord Jesus Christ.
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